Saturday, February 23, 2008

This is risky...

We all know how these posts tend to be when it's late (2:33am) least I'm not frazzled this time!

Thursdays therapy appts went very well. My grandparents joined us and we had such a wonderful day! Ms. Marty loved explaining all that Hunter was improving upon to Grandma & Grandpa and they loved listening just as much. It was really neat to hear her talk about all that she wanted him to accomplish and that he had exceeded her expectations. Can't get better than that, right?

After that we went down to the cafeteria and had lunch. I can't believe that I like hospital food as much as I do. Maybe our area is just blessed with the most awesome cuisine but it's one of the things I look forward to when having my babies...I'll get hospital food brought to me 3 times a day...YAY! lol.

Ms. Jennifer eased my concerns regarding the X-Rays. We won't be kicked out of PT just b/c they said they came out fine. She suspects that the radiologist was looking at Bone Health and not positioning and has recommended that I have the films sent to Hunter's pediatrician so she can discuss them with the radiologist personally. So, I feel a little better. Jen agreed that we saw what we saw and she has the notes to prove what she's seeing in therapy so that will be enough to keep him on the schedule. Whew!

We then went for one of my grandparents infamous drives. They will be moving this month so I got to see their new place and was quite impressed. We then drove through some of their favorite subdivisions and had a really neat time. I so enjoy spending time with them!

Well, I guess I should head to bed so that I can be somewhat coherent for the boys tomorrow!
Blessings :)

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