Saturday, February 23, 2008

This is risky...

We all know how these posts tend to be when it's late (2:33am) least I'm not frazzled this time!

Thursdays therapy appts went very well. My grandparents joined us and we had such a wonderful day! Ms. Marty loved explaining all that Hunter was improving upon to Grandma & Grandpa and they loved listening just as much. It was really neat to hear her talk about all that she wanted him to accomplish and that he had exceeded her expectations. Can't get better than that, right?

After that we went down to the cafeteria and had lunch. I can't believe that I like hospital food as much as I do. Maybe our area is just blessed with the most awesome cuisine but it's one of the things I look forward to when having my babies...I'll get hospital food brought to me 3 times a day...YAY! lol.

Ms. Jennifer eased my concerns regarding the X-Rays. We won't be kicked out of PT just b/c they said they came out fine. She suspects that the radiologist was looking at Bone Health and not positioning and has recommended that I have the films sent to Hunter's pediatrician so she can discuss them with the radiologist personally. So, I feel a little better. Jen agreed that we saw what we saw and she has the notes to prove what she's seeing in therapy so that will be enough to keep him on the schedule. Whew!

We then went for one of my grandparents infamous drives. They will be moving this month so I got to see their new place and was quite impressed. We then drove through some of their favorite subdivisions and had a really neat time. I so enjoy spending time with them!

Well, I guess I should head to bed so that I can be somewhat coherent for the boys tomorrow!
Blessings :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Just a laugh...

As I read back over my post from yesterday I had to laugh a little. I'm normally a bit more "composed" in my writing than I was in that post. That just shows one of two things...either I was really frazzled by the topic or it was really too late for me to be writing about a topic that had me so frazzled! LOL...I guess it was a bit of both.

Today I was tired. The hubby and I had "date night" last night and grandma came to watch the boys. We saw "Fool's Gold" and it was definitely the laugh I needed to take my mind off the craziness of late. No one died, at least no one good or that you were attached one was really mean, except for Tess hitting Fin upside the head (but he deserved it)...and the dynamic between the two main characters just made you think that everything bad would eventually have the "happily ever after" ending. It was perfect timing for my soul and it got me to pondering...our lives DO have that kind of ending. Thank goodness that the end of this earthly life isn't it!

Our "happily ever afters" come when we meet our Father face to face and hear those precious words..."well done, my good and faithful servant." I can only imagine that anyone who cares for the most precious of us...being children...will have a special place in Heaven. My grandpa, who I spoke with for a while tonight, also believes that anyone who harms those precious little ones has a special place too...but I don't think he meant it's of the heavenly kind!

At church, the first Sunday School lesson of this month that I taught the kids was based on Matthew 19:14 "Let the little children come unto me." We talked about how the children were kept away from Jesus and how he wanted them to come to him. He rebuked the disciples for holding them back. If you continue reading in that passage Jesus says, "...and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." He didn't say that the kingdom belongs to the grown ups who work so hard every day, or to the scholar who spends his time in books, or to the artist who paints God's beautiful creation. He said that it belongs to the most innocent and pure of the human race. Children. How often we get so consumed in our desire to be complicated. Busy lives, lots of much can I cram into one day? Have we ever just stopped and remembered that God wants us to love and have faith just like a child? A love that doesn't question or doubt. A faith that simply believes...just as little girls believe that life is like a fairy tale and boys believe in Super Heroes. Have you ever stopped and listened to the concerns of a little one? Their whole world revolves around whether they got to go outside and play swords or Barbie got to ride in her convertable. They are so simple in their thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I take that for granted.

What must our concerns sound like to God? Are we missing the point? I know there is more to this life than what we try and make of it. We become complicated and try to take control. Partly because we just don't know how to BE STILL AND LISTEN....and let God give the direction. It is my desire to learn how to do that so well that I become a pro. To calm life down a bit...become a little more "simplistic".

To love without question or doubt and have a faith that simply believes.

Just like a child...because my Father said it should be so.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Plot Thickens...

Upon entering the hospital on Thursday, I was a bit apprehensive. That's a bit odd for me lately b/c other than an overwhelmingly positive attitude and a tad bit of grief, I haven't felt much else regarding this new info. I guess maybe I'm just waiting to see what God's going to do. We'd had a wonderful prayer meeting at church that morning so I felt God walking right beside me as we went through those glass double doors.

Once we got upstairs for therapy with Ms. Marty, Hunter was a bit fussy. He was just not up for the rig-a-ma-roll we were facing that day, I guess. He didn't do anything amazingly new...but little things are amazing sometimes. I remember the first time he actually moved his was a slight raising of the lower arm but you would have thought he had just done a cartwheel with the way Ms. Marty and I were screaming and laughing!! Tears were rolling down my cheeks. In that very moment HOPE sprang eternal. If he could do that...well, at that moment the possibilities were endless!

Sorry for the rabbit trail...

We finished our first session and then went to wait for the X-Rays to be done. That's when those stinking butterflies hit my stomach. Why was I worried? Nothing major was going to show up. Nothing we weren't already expecting. Our minds do funny things sometimes. It took 5 minutes to take the pelvic X-Rays and b/c I'm so nosy I got to look at them right there. The tech called both of his therapists in and we got two great visuals.

Now for the good stuff...

We could clearly see that his right hip is positioned higher than the left (tilted pelvis) and that there a slight bit of inward rotation (rotated pelvis). Again, this wasn't surprising as Ms. Jen had already determined this just by watching him sit and stand. It was confirmed and plainly visible. I mean, I watched the tech hold Hunter perfectly semetrical during the taking of the X-Ray and then I watched the X-Ray show a tilt and rotation at the viewing. All four of us were agreed at what we saw. We went to therapy with Ms. Jen and continually saw the evidence, in his compensation techniques, of what we saw in the X-Rays.

Wanna know the kicker??

Hunter's pediatricians office left a message stating that they had received the radiologists report and his little hips and pelvis look fine. I wish you could have seen my face. How could 4 of us see something that the radiologist did not?? Was it slight enough that it didn't matter to him? Would he have agreed if he'd seen the evidence in Hunter's movements as we have? I really struggle with this b/c I have this undying belief that medical professionals know what they are doing. This incident makes me feel otherwise and I'm a bit confused by that.

Please don't get me wrong, I don't want Hunter to be diagnosed with something he doesn't have. But, I'm realistic enough to know that if he doesn't get diagnosed properly for something he DOES have then we can't get the proper treatment for it. So, I'm going to demand a recount...I mean, another X-Ray.

We won't know about the Tethered Cord until we have an MRI...but we've got to get through this first. I am tired and it is almost 2am....why I can't sleep lately...oh, I don't know. But, I will end for now and continue to keep you posted!

Thank you again for all of your love, support and prayers!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Busy Day...

Well, today was therapy day and boy were we busy little bees! Both the boys had doctor appts this morning and then on to therapy we went. It's always a challenge having both the boys together on such a day as this. Kowen LOVES going to Hunter's therapy appts because he gets to play with all of the neat toys they have. (His personal favorite is the inner tube swing). The problem is corraling him so he doesn't get in other patients way while observing what the therapists are showing me regarding Hunter. It is a juggling act that can only be accomplished with much patience and a soft voice...praise God he gave me both today! We actually had a really good time together and had no major mishaps. Prescriptions were filled, X-rays scheduled and letters to the school obtained. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty darn good day!

Our OT, Ms. Marty, was very impressed with the shoulder movement she saw from Hunter today. He is lifting it higher than he has ever done before. (Thanks to those shiny earrings mom wears that he just can't help but reach up and grab!) Our PT, Ms. Jennifer, was able to get our wiggle worm still long enough to see the elevation of his right hip and instruct us in some exercises we can do at home to strengthen his back muscles and hopefully correct that problem in the near future. We talked a bit more about the Tethered Cord and she assured me that if he has it she believes it to be a mild case. Only the X-Rays, which are scheduled for next Thursday, will tell us where we need to go next with treatment. Keep on praying and I will update you on that next week! I'll be posting todays therapy pics in a new blog in just a few minutes!

As we were driving around today I was listening to one of my favorite CD's by Selah. Most of you know that I love to sing and tend to find comfort in worship and letting the words speak to my soul. We all have that one song on a CD that we ALWAYS skip over. It's either annoying or boring or something. Well, today I actually listened to that song. Normally I laugh b/c it's an old song that reminds me of the 80's when we went to church out in California. I can't help but see the little old ladies singing to that song while clapping their sweet little hands and swaying to the music. I, on the other hand, am sitting there thinking about how dorky they sound and can't understand why anyone could NOT laugh at the cookyness of But today, I realized that it was really a neat song...and kudos to Selah for making it sound a bit more trendy :)

So, here goes...another song that's touched my heart. It's on Selah's "Hiding Place" Album if you ever want to take a step back to the good ol' days!

I've had many tears and sorrows
I've had questions for tomorrow
There've been times I didn't know right from wrong
But in every situation
God gave blessed consolation
That my trials only come to make me strong

I've been a lot of places
And I've seen so many faces
But there've been times I've felt so all alone
But in that lonely hour
In that precious, lonely hour
Jesus let me know I was His own

Through it all
Through it all
I've learned to trust in Jesus
I've learned to trust in God
Through it all
Through it all
I've learned to depend upon His Word

So I thank God for the mountains
And I thank Him for the valleys
I thank Him for the storms He's brought me through
Cause if I never had a problem
I wouldn't know that He could solve them
I wouldn't know what faith in His Word could do

Through it all
Through it all
I've learned to trust in Jesus
I've learned to trust in God
Through it all
Through it all
I've learned to depend upon His Word
Yes, I've learned to depend upon His Word
I've learned to depend upon His Word

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pictures of Hunter

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Be still my soul...

As I sit here thinking back on all that we have been through this past year, I can't help but sing the song that has kept me strong all this time. The words bring rest to my soul and comfort to my mind. I believe that there is a time for seems that at the initial diagnosis almost a year ago and yet again is the time to cry. To grieve...for all the things I had hoped for my child. I KNOW that my God is bigger than ANYTHING that may come our way...and I KNOW that he may not choose to fully heal Hunter but use this for HIS glory. And that's okay. But sometimes a momma's heart can't help but be sad. This whole experience has shown me how big my God really is...and how very much he cares for the condition of my heart. So, again, I sing these words...

Be still my soul
The Lord is on MY side
Bear patiently
The cross of grief or pain
Leave to thy God
To order and provide
In every change
He faithful will remain.

Be still my soul
Thy best, thy heavenly friend
Through stormy ways
Leads to a joyful end.

Be still my soul
The waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them
While he dwelt below.

Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

Tethered Cord Syndrome

From the National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke (NINDS)

What is Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome?
Tethered spinal cord syndrome is a neurological disorder caused by tissue attachments that limit the movement of the spinal cord within the spinal column. These attachments cause an abnormal stretching of the spinal cord. The course of the disorder is progressive. In children, symptoms may include lesions, hairy patches, dimples, or fatty tumors on the lower back; foot and spinal deformities; weakness in the legs; low back pain; scoliosis; and incontinence. Tethered spinal cord syndrome may go undiagnosed until adulthood, when sensory and motor problems and loss of bowel and bladder control emerge. This delayed presentation of symptoms is related to the degree of strain placed on the spinal cord over time. Tethered spinal cord syndrome appears to be the result of improper growth of the neural tube during fetal development, and is closely linked to spina bifida. Tethering may also develop after spinal cord injury and scar tissue can block the flow of fluids around the spinal cord. Fluid pressure may cause cysts to form in the spinal cord, a condition called syringomyelia. This can lead to additional loss of movement, feeling or the onset of pain or autonomic symptoms.

Is there any treatment?
In children, early surgery is recommended to prevent further neurological deterioration. If surgery is not advisable, spinal cord nerve roots may be cut to relieve pain. In adults, surgery to free (detether) the spinal cord can reduce the size and further development of cysts in the cord and may restore some function or alleviate other symptoms. Other treatment is symptomatic and supportive.

What is the prognosis?
With treatment, individuals with tethered spinal cord syndrome have a normal life expectancy. However, some neurological and motor impairments may not be fully correctable.

First Physical Therapy Visit

Friday ~ February 1, 2008

Well, yesterday we were finally able to see Ms. Jennifer, the Physical Therapist, again. Between her and Ms. Marty they shifted schedules and got us a PT appt on the same day as his OT appt so we don't have to make two trips! What a blessing that was. :)

Ms. Jen wanted to re-evaluate Hunter since it has been 2 months since the first eval in November. She did confirm that at the least he does have a rotated and tilted pelvis but is a bit concerned that he MAY have something called Tethered Cord Syndrome. She has ordered X-Rays to rule out bony issues but that will not verify the TCS as of yet. A CAT scan or MRI is needed to actually see the Tethered Cord but the X-Rays must come first. She suspects a mild case...he is exhibiting most of the orthopedic symptoms except for the loss of feeling, but without him being able to communicate we just can't know that right now. He is very mobile and active...which is a good sign. The concern is that as he becomes more mobile and weight-bearing on his legs, he could aggravate the tethered cord and cause possible nerve damage. I will post again with the details that I found online regarding TCS for you to better understand what this is. As of now they have not officially diagnosed this but the concern is there and we are taking measures to get a correct diagnosis.

I come to you today asking, as in the past, that you PRAY. God has worked such awesome miracles on Hunter's arm...we know He's in the healing business as He's proven it over and over since Hunter's birth. I don't believe he's brought Hunter this far with his arm for him to suffer with spinal problems now. Please stand with us as we go through the testing process. Pray for the nurses, doctors, therapists and all others that will be dealing with Hunter over the upcoming months. We pray that once again they will be blown away by the healing power of Jesus working in Hunter's life.

The neatest statement made yesterday was by Hunter's original therapist. She said, "Well, he's had such miraculous healing in his arm, I can't wait to see what God does this time!" We second that! If God touches one life through this process than I think it's all been worth it.

I thank you guys for your prayers and support. I am believing, even through the tears, that God is in control and has a hope and a future for my little man (Jer 29:11)...and it's not one of disability or pain!

I'll keep you posted as we begin testing and get results.

9 Month Evaluation

Monday ~ December 17, 2007

Dr. G evaluated Hunter today and the muscles had tightened a little bit more than he'd like to have seen. He instructed me to do the PROM exercises a bit more...I must admit with all of the holiday craziness I had slacked off a bit....time to get back on the ball!!! His 12mo eval will be in March and I just can't believe it's been almost ONE YEAR already!! If the muscles are still tight the doc will look at doing an MRI to see what's going on and may recommend surgery. BUT since Mom is sticking to the exercises and working with the therapist to get those muscles loosened up we KNOW that surgery won't be necessary! :)

In November I mentioned something I have been noticing to Ms. Marty, Hunter's Occupational Therapist, regarding his legs when he "scoots" across the floor. She seemed a bit concerned and called Ms. Jennifer, a Physical Therapist, over to take a look. Afte watching him "commando crawl" around the room she recommended that Ms. Marty set up a Physical Therapy evaluation for as soon as possible. We had that done late November and after an hour of evaluating his movements she noted that he seemed a bit weak in his legs. He was turning his right foot out and pushing most of his body weight with that one foot. He was holding his left foot up in the air as he pushed forward with the right. She thought maybe it was a reversed form of club foot at first and then became concerned that he was shifting his weight in his pelvis. Anyway, it was determined that he could benefit from a regular weekly PT appt. on top of the OT appt. So, we are now on the waiting list for that! It's perfect timing since he is becoming so much more mobile these days! Pray that we get a spot soon...

We moved to Willis, TX recently and love being back in the country. We are close to family and our church so it's been really good. In October Hunter's Great Grandma, Nanny Granny, went on to be with the Lord and we already miss her so very much. But we know she is in a better place and we will see her again one day!

I'll keep you posted as events unfold. Blessings!

6 Month Evaluation

Thursday ~ September 20, 2007

On Monday I took Hunter to his 6 month pediatric surgeon evaluation. Dr. G stated that everything looked good but added a few more excercises to keep his joints supple and to keep the muscles from tightening up...which would cause him to need surgery. He assures me that with consistent PROM (passive range of motion excercises) we should avoid the need for ANY surgery in the future. At about 12 months he might develop an issue with the muscle that goes from the top of your shoulder and crosses down the back to the opposite side...but the PROM won't prevent that. We just pray that issue doesn't come up! We don't go by man's report but the report of the LORD!!

So, all in all, I think that was very good news!

3 Month Evaluation

Saturday ~ June 23, 2007

Might I just stop for a minute and say...GOD IS SO FAITHFUL!!!!

On Monday we took Hunter to see his Pediatric Surgeon, Dr. Garbouhi, for the very first time. He evaluated him to see if he would need a very risky nerve surgery to repair his injured arm. The doctor was very impressed with his progress, thus far...muscle tone and resistance in his arm are great. He still does not reach for things and is very limited in his movement but for us anything is something! The doctor did all of his evaluating and said, "Well, I can confirm that he will NOT need nerve surgery. I see enough nerve regeneration to believe that he will recover on his own over time." (In a very heavy French accent!)


See, the nerve surgery is very risky and has absolutely no gaurantee of working at all! They could get in there and be unable to find the nerves they are looking for or even damage nerves in the process so he comes out worse that when he went in. We were praying that this surgery would not be necessary and it's been confirmed!

There is the possibility that later on down the road he may need muscle surgeries, but those surgeries have a 95% success rate and he WILL come out better after having one of those.
We go back in 3 months for his 6 month evaluation and will know more then. We are still going to therapy 1x a week and chirpractic 2x's a week.

So, PRAISE GOD and I'll update you again soon!

God is soooooooo good!!

Wednesday ~ May 30, 2007

Hunter has started seeing a Chiropractor who believes he has a pinched nerve in the 6th vertebrae and will be healed completely! We saw a HUGE improvement at therapy after his first adjustment last Wednesday. We praise God for answering our prayers and sending us exactly where we needed to go to get some healing! He will still be evaluated this month by two different surgeons as to whether or not he will need surgery. With all this improvement we are confident that HE WILL NOT!

This month Hunter has also started cooing, smiling and even laughing! It's so adorable. He is a roly poly chunk meister...weighing in at over 13 pounds!! Guess he's getting enough to eat :) He has discovered his left hand and sucks on it constantly. He is drooling alot too...we don't know if he's teething or just has a hole in his lip ;)

We are so blessed each and every day for this little (big) blessing that God has intrusted us with and ask that he give us the wisdom each day to make the best decisions for his care.
Thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement and support!

Getting Bigger...

Saturday ~ April 21, 2007

Hunter is growing quite well. He is now 12lbs and has developed the "Michelin Man" legs and arms! His therapy is going well and he is progressing nicely. We are still hoping to see some movement out of that pesky little bicep that just hasn't started working right yet. He does have some movement of the elbow and shoulder which is promising! He was hit with all of the wonderful hormonal stuff like baby acne, dermatitis and cradle cap...I am pleased to say that all of that is healing nicely! It was about to drive momma crazy! We stay pretty busy around our house with Kowen's Baseball and Dad's Softball games but Hunter and Mom still get some pretty good naps during the day to make up for all of the running around...not to mention the lack of sleep between 2 & 5am!!
Hunter has started to smile...though we know it might just be gas we still love seeing how beautiful it is! His hair is lightening to a chocolate brown and his eyes continue to be deep blue. (Mom still thinks they are going to change to be brown like Dad's). He makes gurgling noises and oohs and ahhs at times but he's still a pro at crying! Boy does he have a set of lungs! You never realize how loud your kids are till you are sitting in a quiet doctors office and they let that cry loose!

First Therapy Visit

Wednesday ~ March 28, 2007

Well, Hunter had his first visit with Ms. Marty at Texas Children's Health Center yesterday for occupational therapy. He didn't like the arm manipulation....she took his shirt off to look at muscle development and boy did that make him mad!! Since the nerves aren't working yet he doesn't feel pain when we rotate his arm...something I was afraid of since he seems to cry when we do the exercises. She said he probably just hates to be bothered! lol. She did say that he is progressing well and is exhibiting resistance in the arm. The bicep is the muscle that is kind of lying dormant right now so we want to pray that he begins using it on his own. We will continue to do our rotation exercises at home to keep the joint from becoming stiff and he will have therapy once a week for the next 3 months. She gave us a bit of hope in that another patient who had less movement at this stage than what he does was not refered for surgery at 3 months. So she is very optimistic that he will regain function through therapy but nerves take a long time to heal so it's just a wait and see kind of thing!
The hard reality that he will always be a little weaker in that arm and will need more aggressive therapy once he starts activities where he needs to use both arms together (i.e. crawling, pulling up) was kind of rough to hear. But, again, we know we serve a Big God who can perfrom Big Miracles! More than one person has made the comment that despite this injury he'll probably be the kid that throws a fastball like no other! That's always encouraging to hear!
We are going to take him for a visit to a Chiropractor for a "second opinion" and see what they think. Please pray that God will give us the wisdom to make the right decision as far as treatment goes. We want to do everything we can to keep that arm ready for when those nerves heal and don't want to hinder his progress in any way. We'll keep you posted!!

The Details...

Brachial Plexus Injury - Erb's Palsy

(FYI....Hunter has the neuropraxia injury)

What are Brachial Plexus Injuries?
The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that conducts signals from the spine to the shoulder, arm, and hand. Brachial plexus injuries are caused by damage to those nerves. Symptoms may include a limp or paralyzed arm, lack of muscle control in the arm, hand, or wrist, and lack of feeling or sensation in the arm or hand. Although injuries can occur at any time, many brachial plexus injuries happen during birth: the baby's shoulders may become impacted during the birth process causing the brachial plexus nerves to stretch or tear.

There are four types of brachial plexus injuries:
Avulsion: the most severe type, in which the nerve is torn from the spine.
Rupture: in which the nerve is torn but not at the spinal attachment.
Neuroma: in which the nerve has tried to heal itself but scar tissue has grown around the injury, putting pressure on the injured nerve and preventing the nerve from conducting signals to the muscles.
Neuropraxia: or stretch, in which the nerve has been damaged but not torn. This is the most common type of brachial plexus injury.

Is there any treatment?
Some brachial plexus injuries may heal without treatment. Many children improve or recover by 3 to 4 months of age. Treatment for brachial plexus injuries includes occupational or physical therapy and, in some cases, surgery.

What is the prognosis?
The site and type of brachial plexus injury determine the prognosis. For avulsion and rupture injuries there is no potential for recovery unless surgical reconnection is made in a timely manner. For neuroma and neuropraxia injuries the potential for recovery varies. Most patients with neuropraxia injuries recover spontaneously with a 90-100% return of function.

In The Beginning...

It was March 6th, 2007...
My husband walked through the door from work, hurrying to get ready for our oldest sons baseball practice. There was a bit of electricity in the air as they hurried about preparing bats and gloves for this first practice. I hated to put a damper on the urgency at which they were moving so I quietly made my petition known for a much needed shower before they left. Being 37 weeks pregnant and hoping our little man would come any day, I wasn't as confident in the shower when at home all alone. The boys conceded and sat down to watch a bit of TV while I freshened up. Upon exiting the shower I realized that something was happening. I began prepping myself for know, making sure nails were painted, hair was fixed and a spot of make-up was carefully applied. I walked out into the living room and announced that I felt a bit odd and instructed my husband to take the cell phone just in case. I gave hugs and kisses all around and sat down to watch the show already on the screen. I don't remember what show it was...I don't remember much about the TV at all as a matter of fact. I noticed very quickly that I was having labor pains and hunkered down to wait it out. After an hour or so of consistency I knew that this was the time. I made arrangements to get to the hospital and called the boys to tell them to meet me there.
And so it one could have prepared me for the journey ahead. We all hope for perfect babies with perfect arms and legs, fingers and toes, eyes and nose. In our case, that was not to be.
Hunter Mathew had sustained a Brachial Plexus injury to his right arm during labor. It hung limp at his side and we were instructed to keep him swaddled with the arm securely in place until a therapist could meet with us to explain everything. It seemed as though my world stood still. Inside I was crying out to God..."what is happening"..."what could we have done differently"..."will he be okay"..."I'm not prepared for THIS"...
As if in a movie, I remember God wrapping me in His arms of mercy as He whispered softly that he had given me the strength to love and care for this little one that he had placed in my care.
It was then that he began carrying me...ever since I only see one set of footprints in the sand.